Goal Setting Obstacles

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Resolutions and Goal Setting

This time of year we feel the pressure to set New Year’s Resolutions. But the reality is that more and more people are skipping this tradition because they seldom ever work.

Setting good goals means that you have a plan and are working that plan. Some people call it living proactively, while others struggle to get anywhere near their goals. Believe it or not, this has more to do with actual construction of the goal than the efforts put into the goal. This is a big topic, and I am breaking it down for you in several sections. First we want to look at why goals fail, to set the importance of a well thought out plan. Next we will look at the structure of the plan and how having a structured approach brings about the best chance for success. Lastly I’ll leave you with examples of very popular goals and how to best set them up.

Goal setting is an important aspect of our martial arts training. Our training is full of goal oriented milestone events.

Top Ten Reasons Goal Setting Fails

1. Lack of Clarity: When your goals are vague or undefined, they can be difficult to attain because you don’t have a clear idea of what you’re working toward.If you don’t have a clear direction of where you want to go, you’ll never know that you have arrived or you won’t be able to see that you are straying from the the course of actions.

2. Procrastination: Delaying tasks and activities related to achieving your goals can hinder your progress.Goals that do not have priority are not goals, just things you’d like to do. There is no room for procrastination when it comes to goals. There must be a desire to succeed.

3. Fear of Failure: This can paralyze you into inaction and prevent you from taking risks which may be necessary to reach your goals.Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is a great learning experience.

4. Unrealistic Expectations: Setting goals that are unattainable or unrealistic can lead to discouragement and abandonment of the goal.Sometimes it’s helpful to  set a goal and perhaps a stretch goal that is related to the goal. Set a goal that is reasonable and another that will take more effort. Goal setting is about puching yourself.

5. Lack of Planning: Without a solid step by step plan to reach your goal, it can be overwhelming and easy to stray off path.Plan your work and work your plan, but make sure there is enough flexibility for you to make adjustments to your plan.

6. Lack of Motivation: If you’re not genuinely interested or excited about your goal, it’s much harder to stay committed.Remember you are setting goals for you, not someone else. It’s easy to loose motivation if it is something that someone else wants you to do.

7. Neglecting Small Goals: Focusing solely on the big picture and overlooking the importance of smaller, achievable goals can hinder your progress.”The deveil is in the details” is very appropriate here. Setting goals is not something that you do in a matter of minutes. Some goals take on a life of their own, especially if you have not through through the details.

8. Lack of Self-Discipline: This can lead to distractions which can take you off your path of achieving your goals. Self discipline can be hard, that’s why its a good idea to involve others in the thought process so they can help you stay on track.

9. Lack of Resources: This could be anything from financial limitations to lack of knowledge or physical resources needed to achieve your goals.It’s OK to put off something if resource allocation is not there. But you should recognize this before setting the goal, not afterward.

10. Overwhelmed by Time Constraints: If the goal must be achieved in an unrealistic timeframe, it may lead to stress and burnout. Time constraints are importance to keep you motivated towards success. There will be instanes when time constraints get in the way, just be sure to look closely at these and make sure to build in some flexibility, especially when it comes to tasks that require someone else’s participation.

When it comes to goal or resolution setting, especially if you lack confidence in the process, less is more. It is far better to have one or two goals that you can hit out of the park than to have a long list that you have no way of accomplishing. The next installment, we will discuss how to structure of the goal for success.

Master Bill DeGrafft is an active member of the United Tang Soo Do Federation and is a Certified 5th Dan Master Instructor, having also trained in Sun Mu Sul, Chen Style Taiji, Tai Chi Gung, and Wing Chun. He is the owner at Ponte Vedra Martial Arts Academy. He is also COBRA Self Defense Certified and the Academy is the areas only Authorized COBRA Training Center. Learn more about the academy at https:pvmaa.com, “Like” us on Facebook at PonteVedraMartialArtsAcademy and follow up on Instagram, pontevedramartialartsacademy.


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