Your best tool to prevent from being bullied.
Bullies do not fit a particular stereotype, they are defined by what they do, not who they are.

Knowing what they look for is key…
Bullies often select their targets based on a number of factors, including:
1. Perceived Weakness: Bullies may choose individuals who they perceive as being weaker than them, either physically or emotionally, as an easy target.
2. Difference: Any kind of perceived difference from the norm can be a trigger for a bully. This could include race, religion, gender, sexuality, weight, clothing, or any other personal characteristic that stands out.
3. Low Self-Esteem: Individuals who display signs of low self-confidence or self-esteem may be targeted by bullies.
4. Social Status: Bullies often target individuals with less social status than them in order to assert their dominance or superiority.
5. Introversion: Introverts or individuals who are socially isolated may be seen as less likely to defend themselves or to have others defend them, making them appealing targets to bullies.
6. Success: Ironically, individuals who are successful or excel in a particular area may also become targets of bullying. Bullies, feeling threatened or envious, may attempt to bring these individuals down.
7. Non-Confrontational: Bullies often target those who are less likely to stand up to them or fight back.
However, it’s important to note that the traits or circumstances of someone being bullied do not excuse or justify the bullying behavior in any way. Bullying is always the bully’s responsibility, and it is never the victim’s fault.
Disclaimer: This post is not intended to excuse the behavior of Bullies. Bullies should be responsible for their behaviors. These are conscious decisions that they make and there are consequences for their behavior, that’s why most warn their victims of retribution should they report the incident.
Master Bill DeGrafft is an active member of the United Tang Soo Do Federation and is a Certified 5th Dan Master Instructor, having also trained in Sun Mu Sul, Chen Style Taiji, Tai Chi Gung, and Wing Chun. He is the owner at Ponte Vedra Martial Arts Academy. He is also COBRA Self Defense Certified and the Academy is the areas only Authorized COBRA Training Center. Learn more about the academy at https:pvmaa.com, “Like” us on Facebook at PonteVedraMartialArtsAcademy and follow up on Instagram, pontevedramartialartsacademy.